One of the worse things to have to deal with, besides a broken down air conditioning unit, is having to shell out money, usually quite a bit to repair the broken down system. Though repair costs can be quite a bit, it is nearly impossible to imagine surviving a hot and humid summer in Houston, Texas without proper air conditioning.
Of course, finding out just how much the repairs will cost varies just as knowing the problem could be anything. Not only must you calculate the cost of the repair itself, but labor and troubleshooting costs need to be added as well.
It is said that the most simple and minor repairs can cost on average around $600 but as low as $140. If you AC system is in need of a major repair, that can cost as high as $1200 or even more.
There are signs that your air conditioner gives before it goes out, alerting you to the fact that it is in need of repairs. Some of those are strange smells, air not cooling like it normally does, and even loud and strange sounds.
Make sure if one or more of these come to your attention, that you contact your trusted HVAC specialist. The sooner that you schedule an appointment, the sooner they can get out to fix your problem and potentially prevent a complete breakdown of your air conditioning system.
To get a better idea on the average costs of some common issues that would need repairing are:
- Fuse, circuit breaker, or relay replacements – $15-$300
- Thermostat replacement – $60-$250
- Condensate pump replacement – $90-$250
- Capacitor or contractor replacement $90-$400
- Compressor hard start kit – $100-$250
- Condensing unit fan motor replacement – $100-$300
- Circuit board replacement – $120-$400
- Refrigerant recharge – $160-$400
- Refrigerant leak detection and repair – $225-$1600
- Evaporator coil replacement – $650-$1200
- Compressor replacement – $1380-$1800
Bare in mind that these are just average costs, the pricing can vary depending on HVAC specialist as well as these may or may not include fees for troubleshooting.
The great news is that there is a way that you can help prevent any repairs from being needed as well as give you the full potential and lifespan your unit can provide you.
Make sure that you are regularly changing out your air filter, having one that does not have buildup will help the airflow through to your AC unit and not end up clogging it up. Make sure that all vents and registers are not blocked or covered by any furniture or drapes. Remove any debris that is blocking your outdoor unit as well as make sure that any surrounding bushes are not blocking the airflow to the unit.
These can easily be done yourself to help take care of your system. Also make sure that you schedule your annual preventative maintenance for your system. This will help keep your air conditioning system clean, well lubricated, and running to it’s full potential.
Make sure to schedule your tune-up today to make sure your air conditioning system is functioning correctly and prevent an AC meltdown in the middle of Houston, Texas’ hot summers! Contact us today.
Autumn Air
3036 Yale St.
Houston, TX 77018
(713) 864-8368
from Autumn Air
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